Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm 107
Ephesians 2:1-10
Bread. Light. Life. Grace.
Nicodemus has heard about Jesus, and Nicodemus wants those
things. But Nicodemus can’t come out. He can only approach Jesus in the dark,
which is the part of this story right before the verses we read this morning.
Now there was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a leader of the
Jews. He came to Jesus by night and said to him, ‘Rabbi, we know that you
are a teacher who has come from God; for no one can do these signs that you do
apart from the presence of God.’ Jesus answered him, ‘Very truly, I tell
you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from
above.’ Nicodemus said to him, ‘How can anyone be born after having grown
old? Can one enter a second time into the mother’s womb and be
born?’ Jesus answered, ‘Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the
kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. … Nicodemus said to him,
‘How can these things be?’ Jesus answered him, ‘Are you a teacher of Israel,
and yet you do not understand these things?
Bread. Light. Life. Grace.
Nicodemus wanted those things, but he could not get his head
around how he could get there. The cost would have been high: he thought he
would have to leave behind everything he knew, cherished, believed to be
divine. He did not believe Jesus who said, in essence, it’s easy. This is the
way. If you take this leap, you will find yourself flying into the arms of God,
into the light, into a great big party which never ends.
But Nicodemus could not leave his past behind. He took
comfort in the rules he knew, in the experience he had. He saw that Jesus saw
the world as it was and turned it into something new and bright and full of
grace, but he could not leave what he was used to – he could not walk away from
what he knew – he could not take the risk that life in the future would be
better than life in the past. He could not understand that Jesus was taking all
that was good from that past – their shared past of Moses and the prophets –
and taking it into a future of blessing and grace.
We are all Nicodemus. All of us have times when we cannot
believe that there will be a future, when we live in the present as though it
were still the past – when we think the rules and customs and behaviors of the
past, if we do them enough, will get us back there – will take us away from the
future we fear. We want to go back to when things were good in our lives – or
at least to those times when if they weren’t so good, they were at least
With several of you, I attend the Thursday Morning Roundtable, where we hear civic leaders talk about our community and ways to
make it a better place for all of our citizens to live and thrive. Speaker
after speaker, week after week, says the same thing: things have changed. It’s
like the ice and snow that fell off our roofs this week: smash, on our heads.
All that stuff we know – loss of manufacturing jobs, corporate headquarters,
failing schools, crumbling infrastructure, even Shoppingtown is a shadow of its
former self! We have choices in this community, the speakers tell us. We can do
things the way we have always done them, thinking that will take us back to the
way it was before, or we can pay attention to what is happening, and build on
that, and find a future in which we can and will thrive. There are facts, there
is data, we have experience that shows us we can get out -- indeed we are
getting out of despair, darkness, hopelessness and into the light. Even in
Syracuse. Even at St. David’s. Unless, of course, we don’t want to.
As Christians, we are all on a continuum, from Nicodemus to
Jesus. All of us have times when we sit in the darkness and don’t want to
leave, when we want things the way they used to be. All of us hear the call of
Jesus to come into the light – or we would not be here. We are Christians, we
are people of hope, new life, rebirth. Christians know the future in Jesus, in
God, is always better, always full of blessings, always beckoning us forward.
Christians know there is life after death.
Imagine what it was like to be Nicodemus. Bread. Light.
Life. Grace. The same stuff God has always offered, freely and abundantly,
since the beginning of time. Nicodemus wants those things, but he cannot for
the life of him figure out how to get out of the customs of his past life --
what he has to change in order to get there. Can you imagine what you have to
change in your life, to get there, too?
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